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The Very End
S3 licensed
I respect your theory, but I don't think it's correct
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :You and I have a History of 10 years LFS...quit eating the lightbulbs..TVE..hows that tonsillitis?

TVE stickivg his tongue anywhere

I, uhm...well.. hookay!
The news interest me because its actually some news and not the usual crap news about famous people doing pointless things
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :What do you mean TVE

oh ignore me, I missed your sarcasm ROFL

The Very End
S3 licensed
The question stands however, should the LFS developers sue AC developers for stealing their copyright material, "Soon™"?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha, I just laugh at this sillyness. If you want sillyness you should hear the rules in Norway for the tax:

As long as you have ANY equiptment, be it a TV, computer, internett equiptment or ANYTHING that can recive signals to get the official channel - then you got to pay (exact number) 332.38 Euro's. I don't have a TV but I still got to pay it since I got a computer.

It sucks, I know. But my god are we privileged to live in a good country, and the same for you! You got a computer, you got food, you most likely have a phone, you are not in a war... AND WHAT YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT IS HAVING TO PAY A SMALL AMOUNT EACH YEAR? Are you kidding me, are you real? Grow up and stop beeing so... so bitter please.

I am actually quite confused why you are so bitter on this part, while having a very human focused attitute - trying to stop racism. Racism is shit, and I agree that it should not be allowed, but at same time we need to find a ballance. We canot make rules that will prevent everyone from not getting offended, because that will again limit the freedom of speech of others. Lastly freedom of speech does not mean you can say shit just to provoke, so an appoligy is in the place from TG crew - as they did. There is nothing more to be done about it.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Your still going with your bullshit attack on the tax? We have stated before that most countries have to pay for a lisenced channel on the tellevission - deal with it, stop using it as an argument Interprid.

And it's not the fact that Clarkson made an ass of himself that anoys me, I don't give a damn to be honest. If he is a racist ****, then so be it, I don't like that part of him - but I like the other part of him which creates good shows. As everyone have good and bad sides I tend to try to ignore the crap and look for the better parts of people, as most people do. Your problem however is your constant bitching and moaning about you having to pay for a channel and the casual racism. You and other's make assumptions that everyone that likes to laugh of Top Gear's silly jokes are some racists idiots who wants to see the world burn.

You know what, the world has never been more peacefull than it is today, and even tho there are some grey zones and casual racism that doesn't mean we go out and hang people who are the "targets" of the jokes. The limits will never go from casual racism - murdering a certain ethnicity (wrong spelled) in a normal civilized country, so the fear that if we accept casual racism we also accept murdering is just wrong (or that it in some sort of strange way should evolve from casual racism to a hunt of certain humans).

And please, stop watching this thread, move to Uganda which I highly doubt have to pay TV taxes, and never ever again see Top Gear. Thank you.
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
If they mess this up I hope someone really punch them in their stupid face, please don't ruin this! I hope, even with the shit-stupid way it's designed now, that at least the netcode is good. If that too sucks... then.. then, just no please.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Ok I am all lost now, damnit
The Very End
S3 licensed
Going to be fun watching the show if they delay the relase
The Very End
S3 licensed
I am kind of confused to be honest, Amp: what is your stand on this? I though this was in reply from before claiming Top Gear to be a racist **** show? (I did not read too far back in the thread, so maybe I mixed you up with some others?), in any case, sorry!
The Very End
S3 licensed
I am going to be as cold as this, and say: Take your drama somewhere else, I don't care!

I agree that was just beyond retarder of him, but at same time he tried his best to get the clip to be taken away, instead BBC showed it. Nevertheless, I am not defending him on this.

That said, lets discuss Top Gear, not what the singel invidualls do or did several years ago. We all know that some of you people really hate Top Gear to your guts, but please don't turn it into a shitfest like what happend to topics like Iracing and so on
The Very End
S3 licensed
Yeah, the fox is a good example. Could drift it all day long, with most kind of setups. So that's one invalid argument
The Very End
S3 licensed
Lol the reason is so bullshit it's funny, why not say it simple and say they need more time to finnish it? ;p Jeez, nevertheless it don't botter me at all - as long as it's not early 2009 type of delay.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Yeah, I should have known better than to belive we actually would have a discussion based upon what's really going on

At least for me if I was going online, I would look for a race server, not a cruise server and so on. But I guess you all are cruisers, and in that case, there are servers to chose from.

Edit: BMW - True, and it good that we have a actice server. Problem is that variation, you either have Cargame or you have...?
The Very End
S3 licensed
You are not adressing my main concern, the pick-up driving. Look away of the league raing for a moment and you will see the problem easier. The avarage player is a short race racer, therfor we have to take a look on that type of racing / server / People when discussing the matter.

If someone have the tine to do the analyzis, at prime times these days, when you take away league racing, demo servers, crusing, drag and so on, how many servers with People are left for the casual player to join? Again, I belive such players rather tend to go to a short race server than signing up for a league.

But all in all it's irrelevant, if People wang to play they play, I just hope they find good races. At same time I want to give people the right inormation about the status of the game, Instead of some misleading / false promises of a strong and healthy multplayer.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Oh my god the diet coke, hahahah!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :Have you ever done it? Even with static weather it is experience worth doing but it is hard to explain why.
Also you took "We can sill manage max grids in GTR endurance series" and somehow twisted it into "a lot of people pass on that."

Last race information: (08:00 - 21 Feb '13)
Sorry, but if you are not even playing anymore how would you know more about these things than people who are? How many years ago was your last league race?
In last similiar thread I posted screenshots of last weekends races but I guess people will rather believe what they want anyway, without bothering too much about reality.

With 14,630 posts you seem more than average dedicated

Again, is it strange to say "this needs so much dedication!" but one sentence later complain that there are not enough leagues.
If you can not bring up the dedication for even one league race, what good are more leagues going to you anyway?

To be honest I am tired of people on forum who after years still have not figured out such basic things. And who to every newcomer describe everything in drabest color possible by making it seem as if one needs to practice 8 hours each day and be part of some elite club to be allowed one yearly race.

It seems someone should write a tutorial on league racing because there seem to be so many rumors and false asumptions about it.
But then it should not need a tutorial on how to use a calender!

Still if there is interesst maybe I just might write such guide, because maybe it really is confusing to some? Like where to start or how to sign up.

I agree it's been a long time since I did a public appearance inside LFS, but that does not mean I have not been up to date with it
For example, last week I did some hotlapping and offline driving (hotlapping I were too slow to get new PB's and the offline racing because some internet problems). But, the main thing is that I have been keeping an close eye to what my team does when it comes to league racing. Even tho I'm not racing it myself, I keep myself updated.

Hehe, I must giggle a little when you say I'm dedicated because I just write too much crap on this forum, I guess you got me there, but let's rather name it as a trivial thing I do because I like the people of this place, even tho sometimes it can be a little too much drama for my taste

League racing is not dead, that's true, and if I made it sound like that I'm sorry. But the amount, in numbers and participants in total is decreasing. Doing a full season in certain leagues have proven to be hard, simply because people are tired and losing motivation.

But back to the public scene, where I think the main discussion here is - it's awfully quiet nowdays. And I don't have to be online to actually see that, most of these things can be checked out by other tools and places For example now - even tho I know it's in not a prime time, there is about 60 licensed people online in LFS. Now, how many of those user are active and racing, and how many are beeing AFK, set as server hosts or doing something else (for example cruising) ? I think that if you take away cruising and all the others, you are left with something under 50% of the original value. Meaning - you'd had to get everyone online on same server to make a full grid. One server that is :/

But, quantity is not allways better, so it's still possible to get good races - but again, you have to accept sacrifices in terms of what you want to drive.
The Very End
S3 licensed
First off, calm your god damn tits people, really, just calm down.

We canot use the argument that there are a league or 3 running, claming there are SO MUCH PEOPLE online. We have to face it, unless you are more than avarage dedicated, league racing is not for you.
League racing is still active, but it's going on a life support. Slowly this is fading away and in truth it stand and falls on how the other newcomers multiplayer behaviour is. If they nail it, then I'm affraight that's the nail in the coffin for LFS.

"But is it then impossible to find good racing?" - No. But you have to accept that you will only find a very narrow track sellection. You basically only have Cargame's server left now, and some other servers with 1 driving and 2 people beeing in spectator mode for the last 10 hours. And of course, there are demo servers up, but I guess you are tired of them?

"But but... is the game worth the money?" Yes. Even tho it is on selfdestruct now, there still is a good amount of fun to be had. You can test your skills by doing some hotlaps, learn tracks in singleplayer modes, you can accept that very few online options, or you can do one of the few remaining leagues. For what it costs, it's cheap, but you have accept sacrifices. If you have a limited budget and you're having several different games you have to chose from - I'd save the money and wait to see how the newcomers perform.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Isaac you'd dip your magic wand into anything with a pulse, don't bullshit me
The Very End
S3 licensed
That looks great! Some lightning problems inside the game it seems, but hopefully they sort it out somehow.
The Very End
S3 licensed
A dog barked outside, S3 confirmed!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Welcome to the the World of sue! Sue everything and everyone, sue them, SUE THEM GOD DAMNIT!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Got to be them troublemakers in Ukraine!